Scaffold Hire for Commercial Projects in Edinburgh Scotland

Scaffold Hire for Commercial Projects

A service that we specialise in is scaffold hire for commercial projects. Not only providing you with the materials and resources in the form of scaffolding. But also our diverse skills, knowledge and expertise. This is valuable in ensuring that your scaffolding meets the demands and requirements to carry out your maintenance or construction job successfully. And most importantly, safely!

Due to the nature of commercial scaffolding projects, these are often located in busy towns or city locations nearby to pedestrians and motorists. Therefore extra precautions must be taken in the planning and building stage, ensuring scaffolding is installed with safety at the forefront of the operation. We’ve carried out many commercial scaffolding jobs in Edinburgh City Centre. As well as other locations across Central Scotland. Edinburgh scaffolding in particular can require a particular skill set as we often find ourselves working on narrow streets in busy tourist areas, on historic buildings that require extreme care and attention. However often these types of jobs are the most rewarding, providing us with the greatest level of satisfaction for a job well done. As they demand our highest levels of skills, knowledge and expertise during every phase of the project.

When considering scaffold hire for commercial projects, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Scaffolding Hire for Commercial Projects

Commercial scaffold hire is used on a number of construction and maintenance projects from high-rise office buildings, hotels and apartments. To retail buildings, stadiums, arenas, bridges and monuments. Regardless of what type of job is being carried out, here are some helpful things to consider before choosing a scaffold hire contractor.

1. Consider Your Needs

Firstly you should consider your specific scaffolding needs. As it’s helpful for us to advise on a project when we have a clear understanding of the job itself. Knowing the work that is being carried out, and the location of the building to understand the height requirements of your scaffolding tower. As well as the type of equipment required to carry out the construction or maintenance of your building works. This helps us determine height and weight restrictions as well as access requirements for the team carrying out this work. Every scaffold hire job we undertake is completely unique and customised to the needs of our clients.

Scaffolding Hire for Commercial Projects

2. Experience & Credentials

When choosing a scaffold hire company ensure that they have relevant experience in providing scaffold hire for commercial projects. There is quite a difference between erecting scaffolding towers for small residential projects and larger commercial construction projects. Ensure the company you choose has a good reputation for quality and safety. They should be able to provide you with examples of similar work they have completed. As well as providing you with safety certificates and industry approved accreditations. Checking their credentials, including insurance and licensing is essential before agreeing on scaffolding works.

3. Services Included

Now that you’ve defined your needs and requirements and have narrowed down the contractors that specialise in your type of commercial job, with safety and credentials to match. Contact several commercial scaffolding hire companies to get quotes and compare prices. In the case of scaffolding, opting for the cheapest isn’t always the best measure. So it’s important to also consider their level of experience and expertise. It’s also worth enquiring about any additional fees or charges that may be incurred. Such as delivery or setup fees for example. Here at AMF, we provide clients with a free no obligation quote for scaffolding in Edinburgh and throughout Central Scotland. As part of this, we carry out a risk assessment of your site and a site visit to advise on the best way to move forward with your commercial scaffolding project.

4. Safety Checks & Set Up

Ensure your chosen scaffold hire company handle all of the set-up and installation of your scaffolding, as well as carrying out safety checks. All team members should be trained in health & safety standards, with the correct skill set to ensure they can complete their jobs safely. Once the scaffolding is installed and work is ready to commence, it’s important to make sure you have a direct contact number for your scaffolding hire contractor. And that they will be reachable in the event that maintenance or modifications are required once the project is underway.

Commercial Scaffold Hire

By following these steps, you can be confident that you choose the right scaffold hire company for your commercial project. Minimising risk to those completing your commercial construction or maintenance work. As well as members of the public who come into contact with your scaffolding tower throughout the duration of the work being carried out in your town or city.

At AMF Access Services, we provide commercial scaffold hire in Edinburgh with safety being paramount to each project. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small hop-up platform or a large-scale commercial or industrial scaffolding project. We take pride in ensuring that each of our employees is trained to the current industry standards. We have a full array of safety procedures which our team follow stringently and that we’re happy to share with our customers and clients. We are really proud of our accreditations and safety standards. In fact, it’s at the heart of our business! Contact us for a free quote and to discuss your commercial scaffold hire requirements in Central Scotland.