HSEQ Policy

HSEQ Policy

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AMF Access Services LTD and associated subsidiaries are committed to protecting the health & safety and overall welfare of all people
involved or affected by our scaffolding services and activities. Establishing a safe and incident-free workplace, with the highest standards of
environmental protection, pollution prevention, sustainable resource use and climate change mitigation.

It is our policy to provide high-quality services and products to meet or exceed the requirements of our clients and interested
parties by delivering exceptional performance and workmanship utilising competent personnel.

The Managing Directors have overall responsibility for HSEQ matters within each legal entity and will ensure the organisation is
guided and resourced to enable implementation and continual improvement of HSEQ management system processes.

It is the policy of the Organisation to:

  • Comply with legal requirements, approved codes of practice, client requirements and industry-recognised standards, specifications and guidelines.
  • Continually improve HSEQ performance through regular communication, performance monitoring, audit and review, setting clear objectives and targets, revising HSEQ management system processes and sharing best practices.
  • Allocate sufficient resources to enable the HSEQ management system to function effectively.
  • Seek to eliminate hazards and provide a place of work that is safe and reduces risk to the health and safety of people and impact on the environment, as far as is reasonably practicable through active risk management.
  • Provide appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision that is relevant to a person’s duties and responsibilities.
  • Seek feedback from stakeholders and adopt best practices and learning where it will lead to a sustained overall improvement in HSEQ performance.
  • Promote participation and joint consultation in the interest of HSEQ, as appropriate by engaging with our employees, key stakeholders and other interested parties.
  • Coordinate and cooperate with clients and other stakeholders to ensure work is carried out in a controlled manner in the interest of the safe execution of our activities, to a high standard of quality and with minimum impact on the environment. Whether that be industrial, residential or commercial scaffolding projects.
  • Review operational performance regularly through leadership visibility, management review and using appropriate measures, including; leading and lagging indicators, incident investigation, non-conformity analysis and audit findings.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, protecting the environment and prevention of pollution through efficient and effective application of controlled methods, including waste minimisation, recycling, pollution control and conservation of the natural environment.
  • Promote a culture in which everyone has the belief and commitment to achieve our goals.

The Organisation expects an absolute commitment from everyone involved in our work activities to take responsibility and
accountability for their actions and to ensure they are familiar with the terms and requirements of the Company’s HSEQ policies
and procedures.

The Directors and Senior Managers of the Organisation, AMF Acess Services, shall ensure, through positive leadership, active participation and
encouragement that employees are motivated toward the aims of this policy